Friday, 4 February 2011
Cyclone Yasi, Karl & The Nine Network. or Why I Despise Nine
Can't quite believe that the tv stations feel it is necessary to send so many reporters into such an incredibly dangerous situation!
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Jesse Jones
Hopefully Karl will get blown into the Indian Ocean, never to found.
Mark I truly get the impression he isn't your favourite, is it just because he works for channel 9??
Gee Nip, don't get me started mate, they'll wanna increase my medication. But as you ask, my dear...I don't really dislike Karl personally, he's very funny at times, I think, and seems harmless enough. But I've seen too much of 9 and their g
rubby ways over the years to have much time for any of them. Like Bert Newton, who happily movesfrom 9 to 10 to 9 (& even ABC for a bit) I think they're best treated with the contempt & cynicism with which they treat us. & tho the owners have changed, the culture's just got worse under current management. ("David Gyngell may have seen his pay package increase from $1.2 million per year to $1.5 million, The Australian Financial Review reports" -The Spy Report May 2010) The continuing employment & deployment of the toxic,hypocritical, possibly psychotic Sam Newman, who has been hatefully misogynistic on air on several occasions now, just shows where they're at. I've written to complain & it's clear they couldn't care less as they think Sam's good for ratings. So Karl, who'd be on very big bux, is, imho just another grinning, mindless, overpaid whore, but very nice to his friends & family no doubt : )> Gr8 to hear Yasi wasn't as bad as feared. But I think Qlders have to accept the clear message: Love Your Neighbours, All of Them, even NSW folk & indigenous people, for example, or there's plenty more where that came from. I mean this has been the summer of Sodom & Gomorrah up there!
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