Friday, 4 February 2011

Cyclone Yasi, Karl & The Nine Network. or Why I Despise Nine

Can't quite believe that the tv stations feel it is necessary to send so many reporters into such an incredibly dangerous situation!
  • You and 6 others like this.
    • Jesse Jones Hopefully Karl will get blown into the Indian Ocean, never to found.
    • Mark I truly get the impression he isn't your favourite, is it just because he works for channel 9??
    • Gee Nip, don't get me started mate, they'll wanna increase my medication. But as you ask, my dear...I don't really dislike Karl personally, he's very funny at times, I think, and seems harmless enough. But I've seen too much of 9 and their grubby ways over the years to have much time for any of them. Like Bert Newton, who happily movesfrom 9 to 10 to 9 (& even ABC for a bit) I think they're best treated with the contempt & cynicism with which they treat us. & tho the owners have changed, the culture's just got worse under current management. ("David Gyngell may have seen his pay package increase from $1.2 million per year to $1.5 million, The Australian Financial Review reports" -The Spy Report May 2010) The continuing employment & deployment of the toxic,hypocritical, possibly psychotic Sam Newman, who has been hatefully misogynistic on air on several occasions now, just shows where they're at. I've written to complain & it's clear they couldn't care less as they think Sam's good for ratings. So Karl, who'd be on very big bux, is, imho just another grinning, mindless, overpaid whore, but very nice to his friends & family no doubt : )> Gr8 to hear Yasi wasn't as bad as feared. But I think Qlders have to accept the clear message: Love Your Neighbours, All of Them, even NSW folk & indigenous people, for example, or there's plenty more where that came from. I mean this has been the summer of Sodom & Gomorrah up there!


Great pics, sincere apologies for the "poetry". Gabe & I drove thru this valley a couple of years ago - it's even better "in the flesh". Big, glorious, ancient & still.

Here’s the deal if you have a soul - Keep it real and say NO COAL.

Words & Images by Mark Woody (No relation to me, but sounds like he might know Todd "Woody" , tennis fans)

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They’re here now testing the valleys soil - Our beautiful valley they want to spoil

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A thousand dreams, a thousand scenes - Don’t let them mine our coal seams

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So take a stand and have a say - Don’t let them take our farms away

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If you’re on our side then raise your hand - Have a voice and protect our land

Thursday, 3 February 2011

NEWCASTLE IS A MASSIVE EXPORTER OF COAL. RISING TIDE is a group of climate change activists who got into coal loader properties & made a peaceful, spectacular, albeit risky, protest. The operators of the loaders have sued the protesters using a law created to provide compensation for victims of violent crimes....
Port Waratah Coal Services use of victims support and rehabilitation law to sue climate change protesters for over $500,000 is grossly disproportionate to the crime, cynically manipulates the legal process, and insults victims of violent crime.
It will do little to deter media-savvy activists.
The protesters took desperate, dangerous, but peaceful action because they believe that the burning of coal may well contribute to the extinction of human beings. The vast majority of expert climate change scientists agree. Yet governments and the coal industry are still burying their heads, cashing in and recklessly gambling with our future.
PWCS Newcastle currently exports about 100 million tonnes per year, which will rise to a potential 133 million tonnes in late 2011. It has planning approvals for 145 million tonnes. [Supply Chain Review, 27/1/11]
The unseemly haste to ship out so much coal, so quickly, looks like naked greed. Or are exporters afraid that it's only a matter of time till the burning of coal becomes uneconomic or is banned?
In fact, PWCS and big coal mining companies should be sued. Like tobacco companies, they know their product is hazardous, but continue to sell it, in far greater quantities than is necessary to maintain infrastructure.
And if more than forty protesters can access dangerous coal loader sites, as reported, PWCS has been negligent and needs to drastically improve its security. What if trespassing youngsters or violent terrorists decide to visit a coal loader?
Instead of wasting scarce police and judicial resources on a vindictive, PR driven court case, PWCS should be fair dinkum and simply employ expert, effective security people and systems.
aka jesse jones
After everything Qld etc have copped this summer, why so little talk of CLIMATE CHANGE? But INSURANCE EXPERT! spoke the C words this morning